2023-02-10 Game Night
High-dimensional Machine Learning and its Applications in Finance
Trend Filtering with Adaptive Bayesian Changepoint Analysis for Count Time Series
Optimal dynamic treatment regimes via smooth surrogate losses
Thompson Sampling with Fractional Posterior: Formulation and Regret Analysis
The history and some recent advances of distance-based and RKHS-based two-sample tests and some other tests
Causal Graphical Models for Discovering Gene Regulations
Community detection in multilayer networks via spectral methods
Bayes factor functions
Convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms in model selection problems
Distributional Regression for CGM Data: Variable Selection Some Time Today, Please
My experience pursuing a career in industry
Bayesian Regressions with Tensors and Distributed Computation with Space-time Data
Robust probabilistic inference via a constrained transport metric
Interpretable Classification of Categorical Time Series and More
Blocked Gibbs sampler for hierarchical Dirichlet processes
Towards More Efficient MCMC Sampling
Distributionally robust Multi-Model Ensemble Analysis
Graphical Models for Multivariate Time Series
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2014. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2015. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Alex Asher’s House
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2017. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Alex Asher’s House
Alex Asher’s House
Reception in the honor of Dr. Fan’s visit to TAMU.
Informal Farewell Ceremony for Prof. Julie Hagen Carroll.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2018. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2023. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.