Stat Cafe - Isaac Ray
Deep Clustering of Remote Sensing Scenes through Heterogeneous Transfer Learning
Deep Clustering of Remote Sensing Scenes through Heterogeneous Transfer Learning
An Overview of High-Dimensional Covariance Estimation
Balancing Weights for Offline Reinforcement Learning
E-values, Multiple Testing and Beyond
Robust Estimation in metric spaces: Achieving Exponential Concentration with a Frechet Median
The Symbiotic Relationship of Statistics and Optimization: Insights and Future
Decoding Spatial Tissue Architecture: A Scalable Bayesian Topic Model for Multiplexed Imaging Analysis
Detecting Stellar Flares with Conditional Volatility
A Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network-based Generalized Linear Model
Segmenting Watermarked Texts From Language Models
Sparse Bayesian Group Factor Model for Feature Interactions in Multiple Count Tables Data
Learning Joint and Individual Structure in Network Data with Covariates
Logistic-beta processes for modeling dependent random probabilities with beta marginals
High-dimensional inference and beyond
Probabilistic approaches for fair clustering
Statistics and the evaluation of forensic evidence
Data Sketching and Stacking: A Confluence of Two Strategies for Predictive Inference in Gaussian Process Regressions with High-Dimensional Features
GGBoost - Graph Gradient Boosting
Robust Distributed Learning of Functional Data From Simulators through Data Sketching
Mentoring Talk
Minimum Norm Interpolation by Two-Layer ReLU Neural Networks
Adjusting for Publication Bias in Meta-Analyses with Bayesian Model Averaging
Directed Cyclic Graph for Causal Discovery from Multivariate Functional Data
DNA Copy Number Profiling: from Bulk Tissue to Single Cells
Bayes Factor Functions
Graph Matching from a Statistical Perspective
Model-free Full Reinforcement Learning for Learning the Optimal Treatment Policy
Non-Gaussian Factor Model for Interpretable Ordinal Time Series Analysis
Graphical Models for Multivariate Time Series
Distributionally robust Multi-Model Ensemble Analysis
Towards More Efficient MCMC Sampling
Blocked Gibbs sampler for hierarchical Dirichlet processes
Interpretable Classification of Categorical Time Series and More
Robust probabilistic inference via a constrained transport metric
Bayesian Regressions with Tensors and Distributed Computation with Space-time Data
My experience pursuing a career in industry
Distributional Regression for CGM Data: Variable Selection Some Time Today, Please
Convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms in model selection problems
Bayes factor functions
Community detection in multilayer networks via spectral methods
Causal Graphical Models for Discovering Gene Regulations
The history and some recent advances of distance-based and RKHS-based two-sample tests and some other tests
Thompson Sampling with Fractional Posterior: Formulation and Regret Analysis
Optimal dynamic treatment regimes via smooth surrogate losses
Trend Filtering with Adaptive Bayesian Changepoint Analysis for Count Time Series
High-dimensional Machine Learning and its Applications in Finance
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2024. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculty and the staff.
A Halloween party for everyone in the department to get to know each other over some fun and good food.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2023. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2023. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2018. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Informal Farewell Ceremony for Prof. Julie Hagen Carroll.
Beginning of the year BBQ. A student only event. Sunday, September 17, 2017
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2017. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Alex Asher’s House
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2015. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Faculty Appreciation Barbecue - 2014. A departmental event, organized by SGSA, to show appreciation for the faculties and the stuffs.
Arseven Statistics Department Computing Cluster
Causal Inference for Treatment Effects from Observational Data: An Overview
R Users Hate Him!
Deep Q-Learning: Mastering RL with Neural Networks
Organization Tools for Graduate Student Research
NSF Funding Opportunities & Tips for Better NSF Proposal
Internship Searching for STAT Students
Analyzing Data with JASP: A Free, Open-Source, and User-Friendly Statistical Software
Introduction to Bayesian Asymptotics
Communicating Research Effectively
Introduction to the Statistics Department Cluster
Fellowship Applications
We hope your semester is off to a great start! SGSA is thrilled to announce our first game night of the semester, happening on Friday, September 27, from 5:0...
Hope y’all have had a relaxing Spring break! SGSA is excited to host this month’s game night on Friday, March 22 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in the Fisher Bowl. We i...
Hope y’all are having a great semester so far! SGSA is excited to organize our first game night for this semester on Friday, February 9th starting at 5:30...
We are excited to be having game night on the first Friday of October in the Fisher Bowl from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Featuring a collection of games like l...
We are excited to be having game nights on the first Friday of every month in the Fisher Bowl from 5:30 PM onwards for this semester – the first one of wh...
Game night’s starting in Fisher Bowl, stop by and grab some pizza :) We also have Catan, Cards against humanity and Sports Trivia and more! Gallery
Hey Everyone,
Game night’s starting in Fisher Bowl, stop by and grab some pizza :) We also have Catan, Cards against humanity and Sports Trivia and more! Gallery
Hi everyone,
Reception in the honor of Dr. Fan’s visit to TAMU.
A student only event on Sunday, October 29, 2017.
Research Talk with Dr. Katzfuss Dr. Katzfuss gave a brown bag talk on his research interests. Research Talk with Dr. Spiegelman ...
New Students/Beginning of the year BBQ New students get to know other students and vice versa. Students only. Saturday, September 1...